Reflexology is a holistic therapy carried out on the feet and hands. It aims to induce the body to restore balance, reduce stress and promote general health and wellbeing. It has been used successfully for thousands of years by cultures from all around the world. It is based on the idea that the feet are mini maps of the body and that there are points or reflexes on the feet. These reflexes relate to the vital organs, glands or structures of the body through energetic channels of energy and zones. These zones or channels can easily become blocked through stress, emotions, trauma or illness, causing the body to function less efficiently.
Reflexology aims to release tension and direct the free flow of energy throughout the body to bring about self-healing and normalise the functions of the body. By applying a gentle pressure to specific reflex points most commonly on the feet (but also the hands), I aim to induce a state of deep relaxation, enhance circulation and nerve supply, which are necessary to stimulate the body's own healing mechanism.
What are the benefits of Reflexology?
Reflexology treatments are suitable for all ages and can help to boost energy, strengthen the immune system and create a stronger body and a calmer mind. Possible benefits can include the following:
Encourages the natural drainage of the lymphatic system
Reduces feeling of stress and tension
Calms and soothes
Improve circulation through the body and as a result may optimise the function of organs and cells
Enhance neural functioning - there are over 7,000 nerve endings on the feet which are stimulated during the treatment
Boost energy levels
Gives recipient a feeling of wellbeing
Relaxes the body and mind
Assists body in maintaining a balanced states
How can Reflexology help?
Reflecology can help relieve the symptoms of various health conditions such as:
Stress and anxiety
Back and neck pain
Headaches and migraine
Poor digestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Respiratory problems and asthma
Bladder problems
Menopausal symptoms and period pain
Low mood
Some people have found it helpful to relieve the pain of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and cancert treatments, but it should not replace conventional drugs like chemotherapy.
It can also be beneficial during pregnancy and post-pregnancy
What to expect during a treatment?
During a treatment, I use specific thumb and finger techniques to apply pressure to the reflexes of the feet (and hands). Most of my treatments take place at the Bristol Natural Therapy Services (407 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8TS).
How much does it cost?
£45 per treatment
£60 for longer treatments (up to 1hour 30minutes)
£240 for a course of six treatments
£30 forTaster/Power reflexology treatments (up to 30 minutes)
Book an appointment now at Bristol Natural Therapy Services (407 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8TS) by emailing me (baigesrm@gmail.com) or phoning/texting me on 07941 535 586.