EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or 'Tapping'
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or 'tapping' is a way of working with different kinds of difficulties, with profound results. Tapping involves stimulating acupressure points on the head, face and body, by tapping gently, whilst talking through an issue, pain or difficulty. EFT is a powerful tool and once you have learnt the basics you can then apply it in your daily life.
What are the benefits?
EFT is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to empower and balance your life and will help you to:
Have more energy and shine with more confidence
Increase your sense of wellbeing, life purpose, happiness and creativity, health and prosperity
Have more fulfilling, loving relationships in all areas of your life
Support your self-healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
Remove blocks and limitations so that you are empowered to live your best life
How can EFT help?
EFT can help with the following conditions:
Addictions and cravings
Anxiety and panic attacks
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Compulsions and obsessions
Depression and sadness
Fears and phobias
Grief and loss
Pain management
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Relationship issues
Self-image issues
Traumatic memories
What to expect during a tapping session?
I do offer a 20 minutes free discovery phone consultation before your first tapping session to understand what do you want to work on, to ask questions and set any goals you want to achieve. (No tapping is done during the initial consultation.)
At the beginning of the session, we discuss what the most pressing issue for you (emotional or physical) and we will start working on that. On a regular session, I'll ask you to tune into your body while thinking about the issue you want to address and ask you to give the emotion you are feeling an intensity rating from 0 to 10. Then you tap along with me, echoing me. We tap on the end points of the meridians on the face and top of body. EFT sessions are relatively painless and you won't need to dwell on painful memories for tapping to work. After a few rounds of tapping, I ask you to tune again to check intensity again. During the session we work on core issues that will come from the tapping frequency, which play a role on the way you view the world.
The aim of tapping sessions is to remove beliefs and behaviour from the subconscious mind that may be blocking you from achieving the results you want and to turn those beliefs/behaviours that are no longer serving you into positive ones that do.
How much does it cost?
FREE 20 minutes discovery call
£60 for 50m session
Advanced payments - 5% discount to courses of 3 sessions and 10% to courses of 6 sessions (pay in advance)
Book an appointment now by emailing me (baigesrm@gmail.com) or phoning/texting me on 07941 535 586.